Upcoming Events
Explore this calendar for upcoming events taking place in Meeteetse. More event details are available below.
June 1st and 2nd-Meeteetse Garage-A-Rama 10am-4pm
July 20th: National Day of the American Cowboy
August 31st-September 2nd: 112th Meeteetse Labor Day Celebration
December 7th: Christmas In Meeteetse
February 1st + 2nd: 17th Annual Meeteetse Ice Fishing Derby
17th Annual Meeteetse Ice Fishing Derby
Reel in the chills and hooks of victory at the 17th Annual Meeteetse Ice Fishing Derby where winters bite meets competitive fight.
Upper and Lower Sunshine Reservoirs
Christmas In Meeteetse
Craft Fair 10:30-4:00 various locations throughout Meeteetse, Pictures with Santa Clause, Horse and Carriage rides, Hot Chocolate Bar!! Come and find some great gifts for you loved ones!!
112th Meeteetse Labor Day Celebration
Labor Day Weekend in the Wild West: Where hard work meets high noon fun!! Craft Fair all three days starting at 10:30am-4 pm, Cornhole Tournament 11:00 am-Saturday, Car show (time to be determined) Saturday, Chuck Perkins Memorial roping 9am-Sunday, Horseshoe Tournament-Sunday, Parade at 10:00-Monday, Street Games 11:00am-Monday, Labor Day Rodeo 1:00 pm-Monday, Duck Race 6:00 pm-Monday
Live music Saturday and Sunday evening
Taste of Meeteetse
Come experience Taste of Meeteetse, full of flavor, come and grab a plate of food and vote on your favorite.

National Day of the American Cowboy
Cowboy skills meet high stakes thrills: Experience the Ranch Rodeo Extravaganza
Ranch Rode: 1 pm @ Meeteetse Rodeo Grounds
Community Dinner, Silent Auction, Music and dancing starting at 6 pm, Oasis Motel and RV Park, 1702 State Street, Meeteetse

Fall Festival
Featuring a Chili Cookoff, Taste of Meeteetse competition, and other activities for children and families. To sign up for ToM or Chili Cookoff, call us or stop in the office!

Local Garage A Rama
To enter the Garage a Rama and secure a spot on the Garage a Rama Map, sign up at the Meeteetse Visitors Center or give us a call!

Labor Day Celebration
6 PM Prime Rib Dinner at the Wea Market
10AM Craft Fair Begins
10 AM Cornhole Tournament Sign Up
11 AM Cornhole Tournament Begins
7 PM Beacon Hill Plays
9 AM Chuck Perkins Memorial Roping
10 AM Craft Fair Begins
10 AM Car Show
10 AM Horseshoe Tournament Sign Up
11 AM Horseshoe Tournament
7 PM Teka Brock Band Plays
8 AM Pancake Breakfast at the Seniors Center
9:15 AM Parade Begins
10 AM Street Games and Craft Fair Begin
1 PM Labor Day Rodeo
6 PM Duck Race

National Day of the American Cowboy
Held at the Oasis Motel, we will be holding a donation dinner, silent auction, and live music to celebrate the induction of various Park County residents into the Cowboy Hall of Fame, including Meeteetse’s own Sonny Bennion.

Meeteetse's 15th Annual Ice Fishing Derby
The time to sign up for the Meeteetse Ice Fishing Derby is here!
On February 4th, 2023, 125 Teams from all over the country will be flocking to the Sunshine Reservoirs here in beautiful Meeteetse, Wyoming for the 15th Annual Meeteetse Ice Fishing Derby. The event hosted by Discover Meeteetse gives the hundreds of people from our community and surrounding areas a chance to catch record-winning fish, spend time with family and friends, and compete for over $10,000 in prizes.
And we want YOU here with us this year!
Rules & Regulations for this year’s Ice Fishing Derby can be found below:
All teams are required to sign up online this year. This will help us better manage the number of spots available, and will allow you to register even while the office is Closed. Your Application is NOT submitted until you have registered and paid online.
In order to register your team, please be prepared with the following information:
Team Captain Name, Phone Number, Email, Mailing Address, Shirt Size
2nd Team Member Name, Phone Number, Email, Mailing Address, Shirt Size
3rd Team Member Name, Phone Number, Email, Mailing Address, Shirt Size
We have provided the below Form to assist in collecting this information. If you need Online Assistance, please bring this completed Form to the Office and we will help you sign up. Any entries paying with Cash, Check, or Money Order must also be processed in office with this Form.
Although you MUST sign a Release of Liability and agree to the Derby Rules during sign up, we will allow Teams to Check in and sign those release on Friday Night prior to the Derby. Please stay tuned for further Check-In Details.
Small Fry Contest
All Small Fry Contests need to be registered in order to reserve their Goodie Bag and participate in the Small Fry Contest.
This Contest is open to kids aged 14 and Under, and will have Prizes to win. Goodie Bags Sponsored by the Wea Market of Meeteetse.
All ready to Sign Up?
Sign-Ups will Launch on January 2nd at 10:00 Am at the above link. You will not be able to access it until then. If you have any questions regarding the 15th Annual Ice Fishing Derby, or would like to sign up in-office, please reach out to our office at events@meeteetsewy.com or call (307) 868-2454.

Christmas in Meeteetse Craft Fair
Santa’s Workshop, a Christmas Craft Fair, a Memory Tree Lighting, and Sleigh Rides!
It’s all coming to Meeteetse on December 10th, so make sure to mark your calendars for an event you truly don’t want to miss out on!
See below for more details on each event!
Christmas in Meeteetse Craft Fair
Over 15 Festive Vendors have already committed to our Christmas Craft Fair!
… From 10 AM until 5 PM …
All sorts of amazing gifts and treasures will be available including Gourmet Cookies (Loaded Cookie Company), Home Décor, Crocheted Animals (The Fiber Zoo), Hand-Painted Collectibles (Country Palette), Free Crafts (Park County Library), Woodwork (Lazy KO Creations), Candles, Purses, Dog Collars, Jewelry (Heart Mountain Jadeworks), 2023 Planners (Tara’s Treasures), Local Honey (Honey Hill Farm), Fruit and Nut Gift Baskets (Mountain Man Nut & Gifts), Bath and Body Specialties (Black Cat Alchemy Co.) and a local favorite - Homemade Pies (Shirley’s Pies).
Vendors will be dispersed throughout the town so bring your Winter Boots and take a stroll from the Ferret Den to the Senior Center and finish in the Parish Hall. You are sure to find something for those difficult to shop for people on your list!
Vendors Include: Melissa Hill at the Fiber Zoo, Mona Wilson at County Palette, Francie Coe from Park County Library, Alix Hammond at Lazy KO Creations, Kristine Hogg, Tara Johnson at Tara’s Treasures, Holly Strum at Heart Mountain Jadeworks, Brenda Eden at Honey Hill Farm, Jennifer Stagner at Mountain Man Nut & Fruit, Shana Estes at Black Cat Alchemy Co., and Shirley Spuhl at Shirley’s Pies.
Santa’s Workshop
St. Andrews Episcopal Church Outreach will be having Santa’s Workshop on Dec 10th, 2022, “Christmas in Meeteetse”.
Pre-school thru 4th Grade welcome.
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
We will have Santa’s helpers to help the little ones shop and wrap gifts.

Fall Festival / Carnival & Bingo
Thanks to our awesome volunteers, the Fall Festival is on!
Share this flyer with your friends and bring your best Fall-Decorated Pie, Cake, or other Sweet Treat to the CAKE WALK for a chance to WIN!
The Fall Festival will be held at a new location this year - the Meeteetse Recreation District! This will allow for some indoor games and a good place to warm up!
Pumpkins for our Pumpkin Painting have been donated by the Wea Market of Meeteetse.
Stay tuned for more info on the Chili Cookoff - We are in the office from 10-2 Monday through Saturday, so once those entry forms are out - make sure to bring them in right away!

Meeteetse's 110th Labor Day Celebration / Rodeo & Craft Fair
Craft Fair - (9/3) Saturday from 10AM – 4PM at Discover Meeteetse
Car Show - (9/3) Saturday at 10AM on State Street x Water Avenue
Cornhole Tournament - (9/3) Saturday 10AM; Sign-Ups 9:30 AM at Elkhorn
Justin Beasley Concert - (9/3) Saturday at 7pm in the Elkhorn Parking Lot
Acrylic Paint Pour Workshop led by Rhonda Schmeltzer – (9/3) Saturday at Meeteetse Museum (More details to come)
Craft Fair - (9/4) Sunday from 10AM – 4PM at Discover Meeteetse
Horseshoe Tournament - (9/4) Sunday 10AM, Sign-Ups 9:30 AM at Elkhorn
Stick Horse Rodeo - (9/4) Sunday at 10AM-12PM behind Meeteetse Conservation
Kick Ball Tournament - (9/4) Sunday at the Softball Field; KIDS: 3PM, ADULTS: 4PM
Beacon Hill Concert - (9/4) Sunday at 7pm in the Elkhorn Parking Lot
Labor Day Parade - (9/5) Monday at 9:30AM, on State Street
Street Games - (9/5) Monday at 10:30; Immediately following Parade at the Fire Hall
Labor Day Rodeo - (9/5) Monday at 1 PM; Slack at 9AM at the Rodeo Grounds
Duck Races - (9/5) Monday at 6PM at Greybull River Bridge
Craft Fair - (9/5) Monday from 10AM – 4PM at Discover Meeteetse

Community Work Day / Community Dinner / Boardwalk Branding
Community Work Day @ 1pm / Community Dinner @ 5:30pm / Boardwalk Branding 7pm